Active Living Trails: An Investment in Active Transportation

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In July 2021, the Town of Yarmouth, the federal government, and the province of Nova Scotia announced a $2.36 million investment in active living trails. This funding allows for completion of a series of active living trails/sidewalks, adding to trails already built. These shared paths will be fully accessible and will accommodate pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The trails will also offer pedestrian access in areas where no sidewalks were previously available. Active living trails are a key component of the town's Active Transportation Master Plan developed in 2010. (See documents section to the upper right).

The new trails will

In July 2021, the Town of Yarmouth, the federal government, and the province of Nova Scotia announced a $2.36 million investment in active living trails. This funding allows for completion of a series of active living trails/sidewalks, adding to trails already built. These shared paths will be fully accessible and will accommodate pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The trails will also offer pedestrian access in areas where no sidewalks were previously available. Active living trails are a key component of the town's Active Transportation Master Plan developed in 2010. (See documents section to the upper right).

The new trails will benefit high school students who walk on the west side of Haley Road to get to Starrs Road during their lunch hour, providing added safety. Seniors and other residents living on Haley Road who wish to walk to Starrs Road (Commercial Hub) will experience the benefit of exercise within proximity to their residence.

Connecting the "Four Corners"

The core of the Town of Yarmouth is identified by the four corners of Haley Road/Starrs Road, Starrs Road/Main Street, Main Street/Argyle Street and Argyle Street/Haley Road in the South East corner of the Town of Yarmouth (please see the map called "Sidewalks & Multi-use Trails July 2021.pdf" in the documents section to the right). The aim of this project is to further connect these corners and provide accessible trails for pedestrians and cyclists that make it easier to move around in Yarmouth's downtown core.

A Multi-Phased Approach

The trails planned for this project will be completed in 7 phases. The intent of phases 1-4 is to complete the Haley Road side of the active transportation infrastructure. In order to facilitate the proper north-south connection from Argyle to Starrs, the project will see a rebuild of the Starrs/Haley intersection, including replacement of the traffic lights, and extension of the concrete sidewalk on the north side of Starrs up to the Starrs Road/Haley Road intersection.

Future phases will also see active living trails added on the south side of Starrs road. This will allow all potential trail users to continue into the downtown core via sidewalk or active living from the Haley Road/Starrs Road intersection.

Phase 1 of this initiative was completed in the fall of 2020 with the addition of an asphalt trail between Forest Street and Parade Street on Haley Road.


Completed Fall of 2021. Asphalt trail between Starrs Road and Parade Street on Haley Road. This adds a northward extension to the Phase 1 multi-use trail. A four-way stop and a 6 inch curb will be added at the Parade Street/Haley Road intersection. A sidewalk extension will also be added on the north side of Starrs Road connecting existing sidewalk to the intersection.


Completed Fall of 2021. This phase adds an extension of the trail from Haley Road westward down Forest Street, connecting to existing sidewalk in front of the high school.


Completed in the summer of 2022. This phase added a trail between Forest Street and Argyle Street on Haley Road, extending the trail south and connecting a number of residents on Haley Road to the trail system.


Completed. This phase involved a rebuild of the intersection at Haley Road and Starrs Road, including upgraded traffic lights and concrete islands. This section was completed in the fall of 2022/fall of 2023.


Asphalt active living trail connecting Haley Road to Jody Shelley Drive on Starrs Road. Work for this phase was completed in the fall of 2024.


Asphalt active living trail connecting Haley Road to Pleasant Street on Starrs Road. Work for this phase was completed in the fall of 2024.


Phase 8 involves adding a connecting trail on Parade Street, between Haley Road and Jody Shelley Drive. This phase was completed in 2023.

Overview Map of Trails completed to date:

  • Haley Road Multi-use Trail Update: Paving of First 300 Metre Section

    Share Haley Road Multi-use Trail Update: Paving of First 300 Metre Section on Facebook Share Haley Road Multi-use Trail Update: Paving of First 300 Metre Section on Twitter Share Haley Road Multi-use Trail Update: Paving of First 300 Metre Section on Linkedin Email Haley Road Multi-use Trail Update: Paving of First 300 Metre Section link
    08 Jun 2022
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    The weather has cooperated in recent weeks and work has progressed quickly on the multi-use trail between Forest Street and Argyle Street on Haley Road. As work continues, please be advised of the following:

    ➡️ Fine grading is nearing completion for the first 300 metres of the completed trail, beginning at Forest Street heading south.
    ➡️ Paving of the section is set to take place between Friday, June 10th and Tuesday, June 14th 2022, but is WEATHER DEPENDENT.
    ➡️ Local residents can expect to experience driveway interruptions as the work progresses.
    ➡️ Traffic control will be in place during paving.

    More updates will be provided as we get closer to the end of the week. We again thank everyone involved for their patience and understanding as we add this much-needed active living trail/sidewalk to the area.

  • Traffic Notice: Sara Corning Way Stop

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    25 May 2022

    Due to ongoing construction on phase 4 of the Haley Road multi-use trail, please be advised of the following interruptions in service at the Sara Corning Way bus stop.

    ➡ On Thursday, May 26th the bus stop at Sara Corning Way will not be in service.
    ➡ Service will resume on Friday, May 27th.
    ➡ The stop will again be closed beginning Tuesday, May 31st and will be reopened the week of June 6th. The exact date will be announced and is weather dependant.

    The bus will not travel on Haley Road between Forest Street and Argyle Street during these closures. The nearest stops at Havelock Drive and Grantham Street will remain open, and the flag system will be in effect along the temporary route on Forest Street/Pleasant Street/Argyle Street (please see map below).

    We thank everyone for their patience and understanding during these temporary closures.

  • Haley Road Multi-Use Trail Phase 4 Begins May 16th

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    04 May 2022
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    The new trail will be built along the east side of Haley Road, extending the trail on Haley from Starrs Road all the way to Argyle Street.

    Wednesday, May 4th, 2022 - Yarmouth, N.S. Construction of the Haley Road multi-use trail (Phase 4) connecting Forest Street and Argyle Street is set to begin on May 16th. This fourth phase of multi-use trail construction will see trail added in an area not currently serviced by sidewalks. The trail will be built along the east side of Haley Road, extending the trail on Haley from Starrs Road all the way to Argyle Street.

    For the duration of the project, traffic control will be in place and a single lane of traffic will be maintained. Drivers using the area should expect delays. For added safety, snow fencing will be in place to separate working areas from the public. Work will begin at the intersection of Haley Road and Forest Street and finish at Argyle Street and Haley Road. The project is expected to take 8-10 weeks (weather dependent).

    Regular updates on the project and any significant disruptions in the area will be communicated to the public by the contractor and the Town of Yarmouth. Updates will be made on the Town of Yarmouth website, social media (Facebook and Twitter), and through the town's community notifications service "Alertable". To receive instant notifications through smartphone app, text, email, and more, sign up for Alertable completely free today: link)

  • Multi-Use Trails Update: Phase 2 Finished and Ready For Use

    Share Multi-Use Trails Update: Phase 2 Finished and Ready For Use on Facebook Share Multi-Use Trails Update: Phase 2 Finished and Ready For Use on Twitter Share Multi-Use Trails Update: Phase 2 Finished and Ready For Use on Linkedin Email Multi-Use Trails Update: Phase 2 Finished and Ready For Use link
    14 Dec 2021
    Last week saw the completion of phase 2 of the Town of Yarmouth's Multi-Use Trails Project. The first piece of phase 2 was finished last month, with the addition of sidewalk on Starrs Road in front of Home Hardware. The newest section adds a multi-use trail on Haley Road between Starrs Road and Parade Street. This new piece compliments the trail added last year in Phase 1 along Haley Road between Parade Street and Forest Street. Users can now access a continuous trail on Haley Road from Starrs Road to Forest Street, then westward on Forest Street in front of the high school (connecting to existing sidewalk on Forest).

    2022 will see the project continue, with several phases currently in design. Phase 4 will see a multi-use trail added between Forest Street and Argyle Street on Haley Road. This will extend the trail south and connect a number of residents on Haley Road to the trail system. Phase 5 will see an upgrade of the intersection at Haley Road and Starrs Road, including replacement of the traffic lights. Phase 6 will extend the system on the south side of Starrs Road, adding a trail between Haley Road all the way west to Jody Shelley Drive. Finally, although not part of the original plan, a small length of trail will be added at the top of Parade Street heading west from Haley Road to Jody Shelley Drive.

    The Town of Yarmouth wishes to thank all involved in seeing these latest trails completed. The addition of multi-use trails is consistent with the town's Active Transportation Master Plan developed in 2010. Developing these fully accessible trails accommodates pedestrian and bicycle traffic and offers pedestrian access in areas where no sidewalks were previously available.
  • Multi-Use Trails Update: Forest Street Trail is Ready For Use!

    Share Multi-Use Trails Update: Forest Street Trail is Ready For Use! on Facebook Share Multi-Use Trails Update: Forest Street Trail is Ready For Use! on Twitter Share Multi-Use Trails Update: Forest Street Trail is Ready For Use! on Linkedin Email Multi-Use Trails Update: Forest Street Trail is Ready For Use! link
    12 Nov 2021
    It's forecasting nasty weather this evening, but once things clear up on Saturday, plan a walk or ride on the new multi-use trail on Forest Street. There are a few finishing touches to be completed next week, but it's open and ready for use. The trail provides an extension from the new trail on Haley Road in front of the Wesleyan Church. It creates a safe connection for students from the high school to the Haley Road and also extends down to the existing sidewalk on Forest Street.

    Another portion of trail was also completed this week. The sidewalk directly in front of Home Hardware is now finished, with some crosswalk painting happening next week. The trail that will connect Parade Street to Starrs Road on Haley Road will see the beginnng of asphalt milling and patching of the road near the trail next week, with paving of the trail soon to follow.
  • Active Trails Update: Closer and Closer to Completion!

    Share Active Trails Update: Closer and Closer to Completion! on Facebook Share Active Trails Update: Closer and Closer to Completion! on Twitter Share Active Trails Update: Closer and Closer to Completion! on Linkedin Email Active Trails Update: Closer and Closer to Completion! link
    09 Nov 2021
    On a cool Friday afternoon in November, crews from Aberdeen Paving Ltd(External link) were busy putting down asphalt on the new trail extension on Forest Street directly in front of the high school. This new section of trail will extend the system from Haley Road down Forest street, connecting to existing sidewalk, and offering safe access to the Haley Road trail from the school.

    Crews were also working to complete the new trail that will join Parade Street to Starrs Road. Curb work has been completed and work is now focused on adding gravels and compacting, with asphalt to follow. Finally, landscaping is well underway around the new sidewalk in front of Home Hardware.

  • Active Trails Update: Work Is Moving Quickly

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    15 Oct 2021
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    Crews have made quick progress on Phases 2 and 3 of the Town of Yarmouth's newest active trails project. The first piece of Phase 2 involving adding an extension to existing sidwalk on the north side of Starrs Road will existing sidewalk in front of Home Hardware to the intersection at Haley Road and is well underway. New catrch basins and storm sewer piping were added and next week will see subgrading to sidewalk level and formwork for concrete/curbing.

    Phase 3 work that involves extending the trail westward on Forest Street in front of the high school began on October 11th. Adding of the subgrade has been completed for entire length, as well as curbing and ditching. Next week will see the trail fine graded and paved.

    Work will begin on the larger piece of Phase 2 on October 18th. This involves adding trail between Parade Street and Starrs Road on Haley Road. Traffic control will be in place so please be preared for delays. See more photos in the photo gallery to the right.
  • Announcement: Big Investments in Trail Infrastructure

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    20 Jul 2021

    A Friday morning announcement revealed details that the Town of Yarmouth, the federal government, and the province of Nova Scotia will be making a $2.36 million investment in multi-use trails.

    Funding Supports Clean Transportation in Yarmouth

    Friday, July 16th, 2021 - The province is investing almost $790,000 towards the Town of Yarmouth’s active transportation network.

    Residents and visitors will have more safe, accessible, sustainable and environmentally friendly ways to move around Yarmouth thanks to funding from all levels of government.

    “Investing in Yarmouth’s multi-use pathways network will help the province achieve its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and make clean transportation options the easy and healthy choice for residents,” said Health and Wellness Minister Zach Churchill, on behalf of Energy and Mines Minister Chuck Porter.

    The federal government is investing almost $945,000 in the project, and the Town is contributing almost $630,000. The total cost of the project is $2.36 million.

    The multi-use pathways project will build four new multi-use paths totalling 2.93 kilometres and 130 metres of sidewalks to offer safe active transportation options for residents. The work will allow pedestrians and cyclists of all ages and abilities to travel along the main active transportation route within the town’s downtown business core, residential area and high school district.

    The project was identified in the Town of Yarmouth’s active transportation plan and complements the town’s recent Climate Change Mitigation Action Plan that was adopted in February 2021.

    The completion of the four new multi-use paths includes:

    • Asphalt multi-use trail between Starrs Road and Parade Street on Haley Road. This adds a northward extension to the trail added along Haley Road last year between Forest Street and Parade Street. A four way stop and a 6 inch curb will be added at the Parade Street/Haley Road intersection. This work comes first and will be completed in the fall of 2021.
    • Asphalt multi-use trail between Forest Street and Argyle Street on Haley Road. This will extend the trail south and connect a number of residents on Haley Road to the trail system. Work for this phase is planned for completion in 2022. (Note: the trail will be installed on the east side of the Haley Road for this portion).
    • Rebuild of the intersection at Haley Road and Starrs Road. This will include upgrading the traffic lights and concrete islands and the addition of sidewalk on Starrs Road.
    • Asphalt multi-use trail connecting Haley Road to Pleasant Street on Starrs Road. Work for this phase is planned for 2022-23.

    “Active transportation infrastructure projects promote healthy living, reduce emissions, and make our communities more vibrant and dynamic places to live and work. This investment will support the community’s efforts to offer more active transportation options to all its residents. This project will benefit the people of Yarmouth now and for generations to come.”
    - Hon. Bernadette Jordan, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans, and the Canadian Coast Guard, on behalf of Catherine McKenna, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities

    “This project touches on so many high points. The trail will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It is a vital piece of infrastructure that will connect one end of the Town to the other. And for me, most importantly, it provides a space that can be used for all residents including walkers, runners, those in wheelchairs and scooters, cyclists and more. Encouraging folks to get out in the fresh air, moving has health benefits and is important to our community."
    - Pam Mood, Mayor, Town of Yarmouth

    Quick Facts:
    -- the province has set a target of cutting greenhouse gas emissions to 53 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030
    -- the Town of Yarmouth has set a target of cutting greenhouse gas emissions 20 per cent below 2016 levels by the year 2030
    --the network supports multi-use modes of transportation and a core active transportation route within the Town of Yarmouth’s downtown business core, residential area and high school district
    -- the project will create safe pathways for residents and visitors, particularly seniors and high school students

    Additional Resources:
    Investing in Canada Infrastructure Plan: link)

    Yarmouth Moves Active Transportation Plan: link)

Page last updated: 05 Dec 2024, 02:39 PM