Main Street Redevelopment Project Progressing on Schedule
Aside from minor delays, replacement of the 100-year-old infrastructure below Main Street is tracking on schedule and set for completion later next month
Friday, October 23rd, 2020 - Yarmouth, N.S. – The latest Main Street Streetscape Redevelopment project is progressing well and on schedule. The first stage of the project involving the complete replacement of sewer and water lines began last month. Aberdeen Paving has carried out the excavation and replacement of the old infrastructure under Main Street, from John Street to Parade Street. Aside form minor delays dealing with unexpected obstacles during the dig, the project has gone well and on track for completion by the end of November.
Work began on September 24th and is now just past the halfway point. Work to replace the old rock sewer was a major part of the effort and is now complete. Like the Glebe Street sewer separation project recently finished, this “green” project involved replacing the rock sewer with separate sanitary and storm sewers. Separating the storm water from the sanitary line reduces the load on the Town’s treatment plant, as clean rainwater flows directly to the harbour. This will see a significant reduction in electricity use by the plant.
The next major component is water line replacement which got underway today. Next week will see the continuation of water line work and the following week will see the start of concrete curb work. Once all underground work is completed and gravels and curbing are in place, paving will mark the completion of this first stage in the project.
Stage two will get underway next spring and involves installation of sidewalk bump outs enhanced with unique “kitchen party” seating, a new bus shelter, “green” technology planting beds, bike racks, new lighting, and the display of public art. The new streetscape will also provide a dedicated pedestrian clear zone with increased accessibility and the retention of on-street parking. The contract for next spring’s work will be tendered this fall.