Fire Dispatch Service Outsourcing
Consultation has concluded
The Town of Yarmouth has a composite fire department, made up of a core of volunteer firefighters and a group of career firefighters. The career fire fighters work is arranged in shifts, providing 2 fire fighters in the station 24-7-365. They are unionized and represented by the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF Local 2094). This local includes not only the fire fighters, but all of the staff working at the fire hall, including the fire inspector and the dispatchers.
The Town of Yarmouth is the only fire department this side of Halifax to have career (full-time, paid) fire fighters. There are only 3 other towns in Nova Scotia who do not rely solely on a volunteer fire department (outside or CBRM and HRM). Dispatch is not customarily a part of a town/district fire department. The services are usually contracted to third parties.
The Town of Yarmouth Fire Department provides dispatch services to 24 volunteer departments throughout parts of Digby, Yarmouth and Shelburne counties. The rest of western Nova Scotia is served by dispatch centres in Digby, Kentville and Bridgewater.
The Town of Yarmouth dispatch service likely made sense at the time it was established, but technology and escalating costs have exposed this service as being one that may no longer be sustainable.
The Town is in the process of investigating the outsourcing of the Town's Fire Dispatch Service.
During this investigation we will keep you informed on the process with updates in the News Feed and supporting reports in the Document Library.