Permitting Indoor Agriculture: Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw Amendments
Notice of Approval posted June 1, 2022.

An applicant has requested general amendments to the Town's Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw to add 'cultivation and processing within wholly enclosed buildings, excluding the cultivation of marijuana' as a permitted use in the C-1, C-2M and C-3 Zones to enable the small-scale indoor cultivation of vegetables, excluding the cultivation of marijuana. The amendment would allow indoor agriculture businesses to cultivate produce in the town.
As general amendments, the new use would be added as an additional permitted use within certain zones affected rather than a specific property. The amendments would allow indoor vegetable cultivation (within wholly enclosedContinue reading
Notice of Approval posted June 1, 2022.
If you wish to ask questions or send us comments about this proposal, please submit them here and we will respond as soon as possible.
Also, please be sure to attend our virtual public participation meeting on Tuesday, March 1st, 2022 at 6pm. You can register to speak at the meeting or hand in written submissions with any questions, concerns or comments about the proposal below. Registrations to speak, and written submissions, must be received no later than 4:30 pm on Friday, February 25th, 2022. To register to speak or submit a written submission, please email or call 902-742-1505 ext. 236.