Haley Road Multi-Use Trail Update: Smooth Paving the Week of June 13th

Aberdeen Paving Ltd continues to stay on schedule with construction of phase 4 of the Haley Road multi-use trail project. The first section of trail, stretching from the intersection of Haley Road and Forest Street directly in front of multiple properties, has been paved and residents in the area have access to the trail. Work is now underway at the south end of Haley Road at Argyle Street, where crews are excavating and installing drainage infrastructure. With the weather continuing to cooperate, the remaining section connecting all the way to Argyle Street will be completed and ready for full use later this summer.

The new trail is a welcome site for residents of Northumberland Properties. It provides a safe, accessible pathway to the trails already in place. Andrew Cameron, General Manager of Northumberland Properties, said, “This multi-use trail is a boon for our tenants and the people of the Town. Our properties at that location have grown over the years, and we have a number of seniors who enjoy getting out to walk. Safe, accessible trails like this to stay active and access Starrs Road will enhance their lives along with others living on this section of Haley Road.”
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