Development Agreements and Site Plan Approvals
Consultation has concluded

The Town of Yarmouth has initiated amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw as a housekeeping exercise for matters related to Development Agreements and Site Plan Approvals.
These amendments are intended to address the following:
- Create consistency in the number of units and minimum lot areas allowed as of a right and by Development Agreement in zones that allow dwelling units;
- Simplifies the types of approvals that will occur between Site Plan Approvals and Development Agreements;
- Encourages higher densities in more zones by allowing up to eight units as of a right (except for low density residential and residential holding zones), which will encourage infilling.
The proposed amendments are outlined in Tables within the attached report.
How will this affect me?
These amendments will simplify and streamline the planning process allowing more units as of a right through the Development Permit process, and clarify what types of projects will require Site Plan Approvals or Development Agreements.
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If you wish to ask questions or send comments about this application, please submit them here and we will respond as soon as possible.