What is a Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and how is it used?

    The Town's Municipal Planning Strategy is a planning document which provides a vision for the future of the Town, as well as a policy framework for land use and development  control. This document is used most often when considering requests to change a property's zoning.

    What is a Land Use By-law (LUB) and how is it used?

    A Land Use By-law defines zones and permitted uses in each zone to enable development and prescribing the standards that a development proposal must meet to be approved. It can include design requirements to regulate the external appearance of properties such as parking, driveways and landscaping. It deals with the regulation of development matters not covered under building code requirements.

    What impact do these documents have?

    The MPS and LUB work together to set the regulatory standards for development in the Town. Over time, they will have a significant impact on the look and feel of the Town through their role in shaping new development.

    What are house keeping amendments?

    Changes to the by-laws to address inconsistencies, errors and omissions. The proposed changes relate to modified definitions, updated formatting and revised standards that aim to assist and improve implementation of both sets of documents.

    How can I participate as a citizen?

    Feel free to post any questions here or ask more detailed questions to planningadmin@townofyarmouth.ca. Our goal with these proposed changes is to try to make the documents easier to understand and administer, so any questions assists us in preparing the final draft.