Solid Waste Resource By-Law

Under By-Law Section M - Separation and Storage, subsection: it states: Without limiting the generality of subsection (v), owners and occupants of every property in the TOWN shall provide space and containers in accordance with the following provisions:

1. ORGANICS shall be stored in GREEN CARTS provided by the TOWN or in other containers that are water-proof, impervious to domestic and wild animals and rodents and designed to avoid the entrapment of children, and such GREEN CART or container shall be placed or kept in the side yard or back yard of the lot as far as possible from any window or door situated on an abutting or adjacent property; and

2. RECYCLABLE MATERIALs and RESIDUAL GARBAGE shall be stored inside buildings or situated in the side yard or back yard of the lot in containers that are waterproof, impervious to domestic and wild animals and rodents and designed to avoid the entrapment of children.

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