Business Name
Maximum 255 characters
Business Postal Code
Industry/Sector: (Select one)
Why did you choose to start your businesses?
What are your current business hours?
(Select one)
Have you considered extending your business hours?
If no, what has prevented you from doing so?
Do you believe you have sufficient foot traffic during your operating hours?
What do you think is the most important for making sales for your customers?
(Check all that apply)
How well do you feel your business meets these customer needs?
Where do your customers come from?
What feedback do you frequently receive from your customers?
Do you track any customer data?
How do consumers discover your business?
Which events do you find most effective in attracting foot traffic?
Based on your experience, what factors influence the shopping behavior of your customers the most?
Does your business benefit from the ferry traffic?
What are the primary challenges facing your business currently?
Have you done anything to address these needs?
What general marketing strategies do you think should be employed to market Downtown Yarmouth more effectively?
What specific promotional activities could be implemented to attract more visitors to Downtown Yarmouth?
What kind of support or initiatives from local authorities or business associations would most help your business thrive?
(Select all that apply)
Are there any specific initiatives or improvements you believe would enhance the attractiveness of Downtown Yarmouth as a business destination?
What do you feel is missing as a business in the downtown of Yarmouth?
Is there anything else you would like to be aware of?
Would you be interested in a follow-up call?
If yes, please provide your contact details below: