Commercial Vans - Development Agreement Application and Amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw
Consultation has concluded

An applicant has requested general amendments to the Town’s Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB) that would allow commercial vans larger than 6,804 kgs (15,000 lbs) to be permitted on residentially zoned lots by development agreement. The applicant has also applied for a site-specific development agreement to allow a maximum of one commercial van of up to 8,618 kgs (19,000 lbs) to be parked at 170 Pleasant Street (PID 90209198).
How will this affect me?
The changes would allow property owners to apply for development agreements to allow commercial vans larger than 6,804 kgs to be parked on residential lots. The LUB currently permits one commercial van of up to 6,804 kgs and an additional commercial van of up to 5,443 kgs (12,000 lbs) to be parked on residential lots as-of-right. The proposed agreement would allow a commercial van of up to 8,618 kgs to be parked at 170 Pleasant Street, but would not allow any additional commercial vans on the property. Any future requests by other property owners to park commercial vans larger than 6,804 kgs would also be required to apply through the development agreement application process.