73 Starrs Road - Development Agreement

On February 12, 2024, the owner of 73 Starrs Road, applied for a Development Agreement to permit subdivision of 73 Starrs Road with the intent to create a landlocked lot. The unconventional subdivision is being sought to accommodate the sale of a portion of 73 Starrs Rd that is currently developed with a single storey commercial building
In addition to the minimum lot dimensions and yard setbacks, the applicable rules of the Town of Yarmouth Land Use Bylaw and Subdivision Bylaw require each lot to have a minimum (public) street frontage and independent sanitary sewer and water service connections. Consequently, subdivision applications seeking to permit landlock lots cannot be approved.
The proposed Development Agreement therefore includes a set of site-specific rules designed to allow for up to one (1) landlocked lot to be created. Should such a Subdivision application be submitted, the landowner would have to demonstrate that the proposed access, water, stormwater and sanitary servicing requirements contained in the proposed Agreement can be met. It should be noted that the intended shape or size of the property are unknown at this time.