Notice of Approval

This is to serve notice that the Council of the Town of Yarmouth at its meeting on Thursday, February 8th, 2024 at 6:30pm, at Yarmouth Town Hall, 400 Main Street, approved the following:

107 Main Street (PID# 90202250)

A new Development Agreement to allow a refrigerated storage trailer/sea can (accessory building) at 107 Main Street to encroach into a minimum required abutting yard set-back.

14 Day Appeal Period

Appeal may be made to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board within fourteen days (14) of the publication of this notice. Any aggrieved person, the Provincial Director of Planning or Council of an adjoining Municipality may, within the prescribed appeal period, appeal the decision of Council to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board in accordance with the Municipal Government Act.

Dated April 3rd, 2024.

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Consultation has concluded
